DFS wont start after update.

DFS sometimes will give you an error after update: Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start. Some windows updates will automatically disable Remote Registry service, enabling this service will let you enable DFS service.

Custom Counter

Add the following HTML for counter objects: [code language=”html”] <div id=”counternumber”></div> <div id=”counterstart”></div> [/code] Add the following CSS: [code language=”css”] #counternumber...

Helpful Docker Commands

List all docker containers: [shell]docker ps -a[/shell] List docker container names: [shell]docker ps –format “{{.Names}}”[/shell] List docker images names: [shell]docker images -a[/shell] Stop all running containers: [shell]docker stop $(docker ps...

Create Local User – Powershell

Get Local Users: get-localuser Create Local User: $Password = Read-Host -AsSecureString New-LocalUser “NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME” -Password $Password -FullName “USER_FULL_NAME” -Description “Description of this account.” Add to Group:...