DFS wont start after update.

DFS sometimes will give you an error after update: Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start. Some windows updates will automatically disable Remote Registry service, enabling this service will let you enable DFS service.

Create Local User – Powershell

Get Local Users: get-localuser Create Local User: $Password = Read-Host -AsSecureString New-LocalUser “NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME” -Password $Password -FullName “USER_FULL_NAME” -Description “Description of this account.” Add to Group:...

Enable Remote Admin (non-Domain)

Add computer to ETC/Hosts Management Host Get authentication server allow values. [powershell](Get-Item wsman:localhost\client\trustedhosts).value[/powershell] Note: This command is needed if you want to fix Kerberos authentication errors. [powershell]Set-Item...

Create Domain User – Powershell

Create new Domain User: New-ADUser -SAMAccountName “testuser” -DisplayName “Test User” -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText “testpassword” -Force) Force Change Password on Logon: Set-ADUser -Identity...