Steps to move SendSuite Live to new SQL Server

If a database move is needed for SendSuite® Live, please contact software support for assistance. The complete installation will be reviewed for complexity and depending on the results, the work may be performed by the software support desk or a Change Request may be...

PowerShell commands to check JBOD

PowerShell commands for linked JBOD. [powershell]Get-PhysicalDisk[/powershell] [powershell]Get-Virtual-Disk[/powershell] [powershell]Set-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName ‘PhysicalDiskXX’ -Usage Retired[/powershell] [powershell]Repair-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName...

Auto-Printing with PowerShell (2Printer.exe)

Prior to building the code, we need to get the name of the printer in Devices and Printers in Control Panel. Change (Name of Printer) to the actual name of the target printer and set all custom printing options. $ExportPath = Path of Drop Folder $OutputPath =...